Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions through speech, signals, writing or behaviour. Communication is very useful not only for our daily life, but it is also useful for the academic as well as for the career . We will learn in this unit, the concept of communication, effective communication, barriers of communication, mass media and its effect on society etc.
Free UGC NET Communication Notes
We provide free study materials or notes of communication for the aspiring candidates. You will learn here according to new revised syllabus of NTA UGC NET Paper 1.
There are four topics of Communication of UGC NET Paper 1, in which one topic is new. The study materials available on this website are prepared by JRF qualified who are either working as an Assistant Professor or a PhD Scholar.
Click on the link below to read the topics.
Communication: Meaning, types and characteristics of communication.
This topic covers the meaning, types and characteristics of communication. This topic also explains what the definitions are, what is verbal non-verbal communication, difference between oral and written, formal and informal communication, etc.
Effective communication: Verbal and Non-verbal, Inter-Cultural and group communications, Classroom communication.
Effective communication is essential if you want to send your messages as it is to another person. You will learn from this topic; the process of communication, what are the factors for effective communication, intercultural, and group communication. Classroom communication is also included in the preparation of UGC NET Paper 1.
Barriers to effective communication.
This topic covers the different types of barriers for effective communication like, physical barriers, Semantic Barriers, Personal barriers, Status barriers, other barriers, etc.
Mass-Media and Society (New Topic)
This topic explains the concept of Mass Media and the effect on society. It also covers the different types of mass media like Traditional Media, Print Media, Electronic Broadcasting Media, Outdoor Media, Transit Media, New Media (Digital Media) etc.