CUET – UG (Common University Entrance Test – UG) 2024
CUET (Common University Entrance Test): CUET is being introduced for admission into all UG Programmes in all Central Universities for academic session 2024-25 under the Ministry of Education, (MoE).
The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) will provide a common platform and equal opportunities to candidates across the country, especially those from rural and other remote areas and help establish better connect with the Universities. A single Examination will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admissions process to various Central Universities.
Central Universities (CUs)
Central Universities or Union Universities in India are established by an Act of Parliament and are under the purview of the Department of Higher Education in the Ministry of Education. In general, Universities in India are recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), which draws its power from the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
In addition, 15 Professional Councils are established, controlling different aspects of accreditation and coordination. Central universities, in addition, are covered by the Central Universities Act, 2009, which regulates their purpose, powers, governance, etc.
National Testing Agency (NTA)
The Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India (GoI) has established the National Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent, autonomous, and self-sustained premier testing organization under the Societies Registration Act (1860) for conducting efficient, transparent, and international standardized tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admission to premier higher education institutions with a mission to improve equity and quality in education by developing and administering research-based valid, reliable, efficient, transparent, fair and international level assessments.
NTA has created a system that is promoting teaching (by teachers), learning (by students), and assessment (by parents and institutions). NTA strongly believes in the quality, efficiency, effectiveness, equity, and security of assessments. To practice these values, NTA is constantly engaging with its stakeholders, viz. students, parents, teachers, experts, and partner institutions.
The objectives of NTA, inter alia, include:
- To conduct efficient, transparent, and international standardized tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admission.
- To undertake research on educational, professional, and testing systems to identify gaps in the knowledge systems and take steps for bridging them.
- To produce and disseminate information and research on education and professional development standards.
National Testing Agency has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the Common University Entrance Test (UG) for admission into the Undergraduate programmes/ courses for all the Central Universities (CUs) for the academic session 2024-2025.
Role of NTA
The Role of NTA is confined to registration of candidates, conduct of the test, hosting of answer key, inviting challenges, finalising answer keys, preparing and declaring result and hosting Score Card. Merit list will be prepared by participating Universities/ organisations. Universities may conduct their individual counselling based on the score card of CUET (UG)-2024 provided by NTA.
Examination Scheme
Mode of Examination: CUET (UG) – 2024 will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
Medium of Examination: The Tests (other than “Language” Test) are offered in 13 languages i.e. Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
A candidate is required to opt for one of the specified languages as the medium of the paper, as per desired University’s eligibility criteria, while applying.
The question paper in respect of the Domain Specific Subjects and the General Test, will be bi-lingual, i.e., it will be in the medium (one of the 13 languages) opted by the candidate and in English.
In case of any discrepancy in translation, English version shall prevail except “Language” Tests (Section 1A & 1B).
Medium is not the same as the “Language” opted as a component of the test. “Language” test is for assessing the proficiency/skills of the candidate in the Language opted by him/her and the question paper in respect of the same will be available to the candidate in the medium opted by him/her only. The Question Paper of the “Language” Test will not be bi-lingual.
Questions in the “Language” Test, are not translation of the questions in English. They are unique/ specific to the language opted and have to be answered accordingly.
Pattern of Question Paper: Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
Tests Design: There are three Sections in the design of the test:
- Section IA – 13 Languages (As a medium and “Language”)
- Section IB – 20 Languages
- Section II – 27 Domain Specific Subjects
- Section III – General Test
A candidate has the option to choose any Language/Domain specific Subjects/ General Test or a combination of these as may be required for admission to specified course/s of the desired University/ies while applying. It is not mandatory to choose any one or more of the Tests/Subjects stated above. The choice of Tests/Subjects would depend on the course/s opted by the candidate and the University/ies where admission is sought.
Examination Slots are scheduled with a combination of Sections stated above.
Examination Scheme: Examination will be conducted on multiple days in two slots per day as given below:

1. Examination will be conducted in two or more slots on different days depending on the subjects/ test taken by the candidates.
2. In Slot 1 which will be held in morning shift a candidate may take up to 4 tests only (One Language from Section IA, maximum of two domain specific Subjects from Section II and One General Test from Section III).
3. In Slot 2 which will be held in the afternoon shift a candidate can take up to 5 tests as follows:
- One Language from Section IA & IB and maximum of four domain specific Subjects from Section II.
- Two Languages from Section IA & IB and maximum of three domain specific Subjects from Section II.
4. Combining Slot 1 and Slot 2 together, a candidate may take maximum 09 Tests.
Eligibility for CUET 2024
For appearing in the CUET (UG) – 2024, there is no age limit for the candidates. The candidates who have passed the class 12th /equivalent examination or are appearing in 2024 irrespective of their age can appear in CUET (UG) – 2024 examination. However, the candidates will be required to fulfil the age criteria (if any) of the University (ies) in which they are desirous of taking admission.
- For admission in Universities through CUET (UG) – 2024 , the existing policies regarding quota, category, relaxation, reservations, qualification, subject combinations, preferences etc. of the respective University shall be applicable.
- As the eligibility criteria for admission may be unique for every University, the candidates are advised to visit the University website to which they are applying for their respective programs.
- Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the eligibility criteria laid down by the University they are applying to.
- Mere appearance in the Entrance Test or securing pass marks at the test does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission to the Programme unless he/she fulfils the Programme wise eligibility conditions of the University they are applying to.
Examination Schedule for CUET

Exam will be held on multiple days, in two Slots, morning and afternoon:
Examination Structure in Slot 1 (Morning Session):

Examination Structure in Slot 2 (Afternoon Session):

- Though the tests are scheduled either in the morning or in the afternoon session, as the case may be, each test within each slot is distinct and independent of each other. The different Sections of the test scheduled in the morning or afternoon do not constitute Sections of the same paper.
- A candidate has an option to choose the components of the test only. However, allotment of candidates to the Slots will be based on the options exercised and technical and administrative considerations.
- Admit Cards will be issued for the morning/afternoon session based on the components opted by him/her. No request for change of date/slot will be entertained.
- All domain specific subjects/ languages from Section IA will be available in both the Slots. A candidate will not be allowed to appear in the same subject twice.
- The morning/afternoon sessions will start at a specified time. Candidates have to report for the session/s as per the time stated in their respective Admit Card.
- Candidates can start with any of the tests, to which they are admitted, scheduled in that slot. There is no sequence in which the tests are to be taken, within each slot.
- Candidates can leave the exam hall after completing the duration of the components in which they appeared as indicated on their Admit Card.
Syllabus of Exam:
Section IA & IB: Language to be tested through Reading Comprehension (based on different types of passages–Factual, Literary and Narrative, [Literary Aptitude and Vocabulary]
Section II: As given on NTA website https://cuet.samarth.ac.in.
Section III: General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra geometry/mensuration/stat taught till Grade 8), Logical and Analytical Reasoning.
The syllabus for domain specific subjects will be available on NTA website https://cuet.samarth.ac.in.
Choice of Cities:
The Cities where the CUET (UG) – 2024 will be conducted are given in Appendix III. While applying, candidates have to select any four cities of their choice. Efforts will be made to allot the city of examination to the candidates in the order of preference opted by them in their online Application Form. However, due to administrative/logistic reasons, a different city can be allotted.
Choice of Centre Cities will be limited to the State of Permanent Address or State of Present Address only.
In case, there are very few candidates from a City, the NTA reserves the right to merge one, two, or more cities.
The decision of the NTA regarding the allotment of the City/Centre shall be final. No further correspondence or request shall be entertained in this regard.
For more information about CUET 2024 go through CEUT Brochure
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UGC NET Syllabus (Updated): Paper 1 and 2
CSIR UGC NET Syllabus [Download PDF]
UGC NET Study Materials for Paper 1 (Download PDF)