PhD Admission in NIT (National Institute of Technology)
National Institutes of Technology (NITs) are a group of premier public engineering institutes of India. On their inception decades ago, all NITs were referred to as Regional Engineering Colleges (RECs) and were governed by their respective state governments.
NITs were founded to promote regional diversity and multi-cultural understanding in India. Comprising thirty-one (31) autonomous institutes, they are located in one each major state/territory of India. In 2007, the Indian government declared these schools as Institute of National Importance.
NITs offer degree courses at bachelor’s, masters, and doctorate levels in various branches of engineering and technology. All NITs are autonomous, which enables them to set up their own curriculum.
Eligibility for PhD Admission in NIT
Ph.D. degree is offered by almost all NITs. The basic eligibility and procedure to get enroll in PhD at NITs are the same, but there is no combined entrance or admission process. The aspirants who want to get admission in PhD should visit the individual website of NITs.
Read More: MPhil and PhD Fellowship
The followings are the list of all NITs in India. Click on the link to visit the respective websites for more details of PhD admission.
Click below for PhD Admission in NIT
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MPhil and PhD Fellowship
PhD Admission Notification
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